Sky of Blue, Sea of Green

Dark blue clouds heavy with the possibility of rain. White birds gleam as they cross shafts of light. iridescent green water churns below.

The cloud images have been printed on metal, the water has been woven in heavy fabric and above these two surfaces there is a transparent layer carrying an abstracted water pattern. As in the natural landscape, the eye cannot rest; the mind cannot fix the ever-shifting scene into a single image.

Sky Glass Water Rain Water Glass Sky

Sky reflected in glass reflected in water.

Looking down at a puddle through to the reflection of a building. The reflected windows in their turn reflect a clouded sky. Rain, falling from these clouds, make these imperfect mirrors shiver and dissolve.

Slow Churn

Slowly churning.
Billowing out; expanding in one place, dissolving into thin vapour in another.
At a glance, it appears static. Over time, all of it is transitory.
Clouds, cities, everything is changing, growing, and passing away.
On earth and in the sky.


I’ve come to realize that I can never see things as they ‘really are’. There’s always some reference, preconception; some structure that frames what I perceive. Maybe, if I look through many different frames, I could reduce this self-imposed haze.

Occasionally, I have ocular migraines. They appear as visual disturbances: shimmering crystalline zig-zag shards of light slowly cross my field of vision. Through this glitch, I catch a glimpse of my brain working to assemble an image of my surroundings. I perceive the construction of the illusion of seeing.

Chasing After Wind

It’s depressing: the sticky tangled mess that we humans make of things.

But look up at the clouds. Clouds are amazing! Nature is amazing! Let a sense of awe blow away those cobwebs!

The Perimeter Wall

This wall was built to keep people in. A window opening has been bricked up to prevent escape. Today only fragments of the barrier remain; you can walk around the ends.

It’s the wall that surrounds CAMH here in Toronto. Centre for Addiction and Mental Health is the current name for what once was the Toronto Lunatic Asylum. The wall once completely surrounded the property, but now only a few fragmentary sections remain.

‘Bricks in the Wall’ digital composite

‘Bricks in the Wall’ digital composite

Remember ‘Snakes and Ladders’? A board game where a snake tail could undo much of your progress and a ladder might give you a big boost? You never know what will happen until you roll the dice. I think we’re in this game now! The second wave is upon us, when we thought we had done so well.

‘Snakes and Ladders’ - digital composite

‘Snakes and Ladders’ - digital composite

‘Up and Over’ This place is full of ghosts. The patients (inmates?) were forced to build the walls that would enclose them. Brick by brick, they stood on ladders working to block out the sky.

‘Up and Over’ - digital composite

‘Up and Over’ - digital composite