A Brave New World

‘A Brave New World’  A curated exhibition both online and with some works on view at Gallery 1313, 1313 Queen Street West Toronto, ON. September 30 until OCtober 25.


‘A Brave New World’ is group show at Gallery 1313 that asks artists to think about how the pandemic has affected the society and how the future will be different. The title is based on Aldous Huxley’s ‘Brave New World’ a novel about a future society that seems to have figured out how to keep everyone happy, but as we learn, at the cost of their freedom and fundamental humanity.

I’ve got two pieces in the show:

“Full Fathom Five“ 2020, Digital Composite, 18″ x 18″

“Full Fathom Five“ 2020, Digital Composite, 18″ x 18″

‘Full Fathom Five’ is a digital composite print. There’s a passage in the Tempest that describes a body sunk deep under water. Rather than decay, it has undergone a ‘sea-change’ into something ‘rich and strange’. 

All of society is going through a transformation now.  We won’t know what the result will be until well after the pandemic, but we can hope that many things will change for the better.

“Superman“ 2020, Digital Composite, 18″ x 18″

“Superman“ 2020, Digital Composite, 18″ x 18″

Pride goes before the fall.  The pandemic and climate change will teach us humility.  If humans are to survive, it will be by getting along with each other, and the natural world, not by trying to dominate. Hubris is our most dangerous trait.